A Hilltop View
Occasionally, we find ourselves standing on a hilltop. Behind, a clear view of where we've been. Ahead, an inspiring vision of the future. Hilltop views are crucial, God-ordained moments that fill us with joy for both what was and what will be.
Closing a Chapter
Building B was our first structure and the original sanctuary on this property. Faithful members saw a vision for this land, gave sacrificially, and built on it together. Now standing for more than 55 years, it's been a place where many lives have been changed. It's been where our children have grown, learned about God's love for them, and where many have chosen to follow Christ. As inside demolition begins in Building B, we stand on this hill looking back at what God has done—and our memories fill us with gratitude and joy.
Starting a New Era
Now, we look ahead to what the Generations Project will accomplish. Where Building B stands today, we'll have a new place for ministry where the lives of kids and students will be changed. Next to that will be the new hub for our campus that connects us and makes it easier than ever for our families. These are exciting days!
Escalating Construction Activity Throughout the Facility
As we move through this project, the action will become increasingly visible. In the next few weeks, we'll see construction in the Worship Center lobby, preschool area, and surrounding Building B. We'll keep you up to date on what to expect and how it will affect us. Contractors are inside Building B now preparing it for demolition, and we're only a few weeks away from the arrival of construction equipment.
Coming Next Week
We'll give you a tour of the recently completed Building C renovation, and it's a significant change. Stay tuned for this and many more updates in the weeks ahead. Also, remember that the Generations Project is built on a God-given vision and our generosity. It will take all of us to make it a reality. Visit crosscity.church/generations to give and find out more.